I was just going through some old files and came across this old web page. It is very good as an idea of the type of questionnaire that is good for missionaries. Some are just plain ridiculous and only being used to weed out missionaries. This is one sent out as an attempt to be a blessing to their missionaries.
********* Baptist Church
Men’s Missionary Questionnaire
1. List all types of books that you enjoy reading
2. Do you have any favorite authors?
3. Are there any specific titles of books that you would like?
4. What titles and types of magazines to you enjoy?
5. What is your favorite aftershave or cologne scent(s)?
6. What type of socks do you like? (Color and size)
7. What are your favorite coffee flavors? Regular or decaf?
8. What types of candies do you like?
9. Do you collect anything? (Ex: Paperweights, baseball memorabilia, model cars, etc.)
10. What are some desk/computer supplies that you need?
11. What are your hobbies or interests? What supplies do you need?
12. Are you in need of any particular tools?
13. What kind of ties do you like?
************** Baptist Church
Women’s Missionary Questionnaire
1. List all types of books that you enjoy reading.
2. Do you have any favorite authors?
3. Are there any specific titles of books that you would like?
4. What titles and types of magazines do you enjoy?
5. What is your favorite perfume scent(s)?
6. What scents of lotions and soaps do you like? (Such as Bath and Body products)
7. What type of decorated stationary or note cards do you like? (flowers, animals, Americana, etc.)
8. What type of hosiery do you prefer? (Color and size)
9. What are your favorite coffee flavors? Regular or decaf?
10. What are you favorite tea flavors? Regular or herbal?
11. What types of candies do you like?
12. Do you collect anything? (Ex: bird houses, candle holders, etc.)
13. What are your hobbies? What supplies do you need?
14. What kind of scarves do you like? What designs and colors?
*************** Baptist Church
Children’s Missionary Questionnaire
1. What kind of music do you like to listen to? CD’s or tapes?
2. List the types of books you like to read.
3. Do you like to write? (Journal, notes, stationary)
4. What are your favorite snacks?
5. What kind of movies do you like?
6. What is your favorite candy or gum?
7. What are your hobbies?
8. What are your favorite colors?
9. Do you need any articles of clothing? Shoes? (sizes)
10. What types of bath and body products do you like? (girls) What type of cologne do you like? (guys)
11. If you could wish for one thing, what would it be?
Follow up Questions and Preparation
1. We ask that your wife and children plan to attend the conference with you. Will your wife and children be attending? Please list the names and ages of your children.
2. We also ask that you stay for the whole conference. Do you plan to arrive on Saturday afternoon, October 20th? Do you plan to stay through Friday morning, October 26th?
3. Do you plan to drive or fly to the conference?
4. If flying, when do you arrive? What is your flight number and airline? Do you need transportation from the airport?
5. Will you need any special audio visual equipment for you presentation?
6. On Monday you'll have the opportunity to play golf or go fishing. Which do you prefer?
7. Will you need equipment for golf? If so, what? Clubs?(left or right handed) Shoes? (Size)
8. If you have an electronic picture of you and your family please email it to me.
Vision News
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
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