Monday, October 15, 2007


I am cleaning up old files and just came across this and thought it might still have some value


· Be faithful in your service to the Lord in your church. That means get to church on time, tithe, attend all the services, find something that you can do as a service for the Lord in your church. Your service to God in your church will build on what you are doing in private. Be sure to take care of your walk with God, your personal devotions, your prayer time, your soul winning etc.

· Pray for the ministry of your church and pastor. Pray for souls to be saved. Pray for God to send forth laborers to His harvest. Pray for your missionaries by name.

· Share your testimony--what you have seen, felt, and heard.

· Write personal letters to the missionaries--stay in touch. Learn about their personal needs--share them with others. Really pray about those needs and share them or carry them both personally and spiritually. Pray seriously.

· Send the missionary things that he needs--also just send them care packages to let them know that you love them and think of them. Often times it is “out of sight--out of mind!”

· Adopt a missionary family for at least one year and invite others to do so. Sunday School classes (and families) can do the same. It would be better if each family would take one specific missionary so that they can really get involved in their lives.

· Keep up with their birthdays and special needs. Send them a small gift and a card, etc. Remember them at Christmas.

· Study up on the different countries. Find out about the need there. Keep up with their country in the news.

· Find out about different projects that your missionaries have and get involved in them however you can.

· Send the pastor’s sermon tapes and even video tapes of the services and special activities. Make them feel like you haven’t forgotten them.

· Study the Scriptures about the needs of missionaries.

· See the work of a missionary as equal to that of a Pastor. Talk about it. Promote it. Don’t look at it as a guy in the back country that couldn’t cut it in the states.

· See the world’s problems as being a result of sin and the lack of God’s Word!

· Send personal comments on your pastor’s preaching tapes and especially greetings or comments from him.

· Invite retired missionaries or furloughing missionaries to your youth camps etc. Get them in your Sunday School class. God can use them to reach young people for the work.

· Really get to know your missionaries personally and have a genuine interest n their lives and ministry. You meet the need in their life before they ask or mention it because you are keeping up and are interested.

· Have a mission’s closet.

· When the missionary comes to your church be sure and talk with him about his work and ministry. Ask him what you can do to help him get set up. Take him to the pastor’s office and introduce him to the pastor. Show him where the bathroom is etc. Be careful to be very friendly to their children. It is very difficult going to a different church every service and feeling like you are an outcast, different, have no friends, etc.

· Show interest in his display. Most of the time no one looks or talks unless it is the children. He spent a lot of time fixing it up to show you about his country. Be interested. Ask questions. Learn.

· Tell God that you are ready and available to serve Him anywhere in the world that

· He desires. Give yourself to Him to take His gospel to the world. Don’t ask others to do what you aren’t willing to do.

Vision News
News of Victory

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