Saturday, October 6, 2007


Well I was listening to a message by John Piper the other day as I rode down the road and he was talking about Jonathan Edwards. He discussed the fact that Jonathan Edwards always read with a pencil in his hand and constantly wrote down what he was learning.

Piper then went on to talk about the dozens of journals that he personally has of his readings and studying. I know that what he is saying is so true. I also know that I am terrible about losing everything that I write down even in a journal.

I decided that today I would begin trying to be more disciplined to write down things as I read and study and this will be my online journal. I know that the great majority of you will think that this is boring and I fully understand that. I have no intention of trying to build a readership. I will simply post what I am reading and what I am learning.

I will be putting things in here from the blogs and what I think. I will be putting things in here that I agree with and disagree with. None of it is with the intention of arguing but with the intention of thinking it through and remembering.

This will form a searchable database as you will know. So there will be lots of posts and I will put lots of stuff here, I hope. It will require discipline and that is something that I am not always sure that I have.

Well here goes and so the next post which will just come whenever will follow with the real nitty gritty purpose of this blog. God bless

Vision News

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