Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rules to live by!

"Labor is one of the conditions of our existence"
"Time is gold; throw not one minute away, but place each one to account."
"Do unto all men as you be done by."
"Never bid another to do what you can do yourself."
"Never covet what is not your own."
"Never think any matter so trifling as not to deserve notice."
"Never give out that which does not first come in."
"Never spend but to produce."
"Let the greatest order regulate the transactions of your life."
"Labor, then, to the last moment of your existence."
"Keep good company or none."
"Never be idle."
"If your hands cannot be usefully employed, attend to the cultivation of your mind."
"Always speak the truth."
"Make few promises."
"Live up to your engagements."
"Keep your own secrets if you have any."

Vision News

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