Saturday, October 20, 2007


By Curtis Hudson

1. Drifting through life without a definite goal.
2. Overly curious about other people's affairs.
3. Inadequate education or inadequate information on your subject
4. Lack of self-discipline
5. Lack of ambition to aim high
6. Lack of persistence in carrying through that which you have begun
7. A negative mental attitude in general
8. Lack of emotional control
9. The desire to get something for nothing
10. Failure to reach decisions promptly and definitely when all of the facts necessary for a decision are at hand
11. Fear of failure
12. Indiscriminate spending of time and/or money
13. Lack of control over the tongue
14. Having a closed mind; that is, unwilling to take advice from others
15. Lack of loyalty where loyalty is due
16. Lack of vision and imagination
17. Egotism and vanity without control
18. Having wrong motives
19. A desire for revenge for real or imaginary grievances
20. Unwilling to go the "extra mile"

"The person who succeeds is the one who does more than enough
and keeps on doing it."
Joshua 1:8
"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but
thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest
observe to do according to all that is written therein: for
then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and thou shalt have
good success."

Vision News

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