Sunday, October 7, 2007

still reading America's fastest growing churches

The book was published in January of 1972 and cost $4.95 so you can get the idea that it is quite old.

This chapter is about Verle Ackerman and the First Baptist Church of West Hollywood, Florida. He gives some interesting things that I might could apply to our church. The keys to turning a dead organization around were

1. giving people a deep spiritual direction
2. creating an organization that functions
3. showing a deep love for each person in the organization
4. being enthusiastic in all that is done

page 78

much more to come later

Vision News


Anonymous said...

America's fastest growing churches has Verle Ackerman as the previous pastor of First Baptist Church of West Hollywood.

Having known the church and the history of the church I am uncertain as to how much of this church was built upon the Lord. I would say the church was built upon the traits of a man.

It was all about numbers and hugh accomplishments and very little about worship and doctrine.

There were all sorts of gimmicks used to get people to come. Sure they felt good about coming but how much was of the Lord?

Austin Gardner said...

I am certain that there is a great deal of truth to what you say yet I do not read only those that agree with me. I have learned much from others and I read this book just like I read other books that I do not necessarily agree with. I try to find what I can apply and then I leave what I can't.

Thank you for responding. Please understand that this is a site where I simply state what God is doing in my life and what I am learning. I appreciate your taking the time to read this post and comment. I try to preach the Bible--straight and true. I try to lift up Jesus in every service.

I will take to heart your warnings

jvb said...

I don't usually comment on random things I find while surfing the net but in this case I must make an exception. You see I know well First Baptist Church of West Hollywood. I went to that church and their associated school for over 20 years. Pastor Ackerman is a wonderful paster and in my opinion everything he did was based on the Lord directing him. The church went from a very small building and several dedicated Christians to a huge building and a large devoted congregation. I personally know of over 35 people whose lives were changed (either through salvation or through rededication) through God working through Pastor Ackerman. I personally am very thankful for him and his work for the Lord. You see, he is the one who preached the messages that allowed God to speak to my mother and bring her the gift of salvation which in turn led to me having a life that was immersed in God and his love and his teachings. SO anyway, I would like to thank Pastor Ackerman. I know him personally and I know that God was able to use him in a great way to reach a large number of people in the community- from the elderly- to the disabled- to children

Austin Gardner said...

Thank you for your comment. I never knew pastor Ackerman personally but I personally have only heard good things about him. His brother Russ worked in the same church where I worked for a good time and was a good man.

I am so glad that you appreciate the ones that God used to get the salvation message to your family.

Thank you for your comment